Institut Universitaire de Technologie
Département GEII
99, avenue d'Occitanie
34296 MONTPELLIER Cedex 5
Tel : 04 99 58 51 20
Fax : 04 99 58 50 55

Training >> BUT GEII formation initiale


Entrance requirements
  1. Two-year study programme after the baccalauréat
    Most relevant certificates: Baccalauréats S or STI.

  2. U.V.C. cycle
    Set up jointly with the SFC ( Continuing Education Service). Intended for employees in industry wishing to perfect their knowledge and upgrade their qualifications. The course is divided into UVC (capitalisable credit units) for a duration of 3 to 4 years. Credit dispensation may be possible through validation of experiential achievements.


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